Benteh Nuutah Valley Native Primary Care Center Behavioral Health Clinic

The Matanuska-Susitna Valley’s first major building for Alaska Natives with themes of Welcoming, Gathering, Health and Wellness



•Comprehensive Architectural Services
•Project Feasibility Analysis
•Facility Programming
•Land-Use Application Processing
•Land Development Studies
•Facilities Master Planning
•3D Computer Rendering/Modeling/Visualization
•Comprehensive ID Services
•Programming & Space Planning
•Interior Finish Specs & Coordination
•Furniture Layout, Equipment Specifications & Procurement
•Signage & Graphic Coordination

The design for Southcentral Foundation’s Benteh Nuutah Valley Native PCC Behavioral Health Clinic is built upon the same philosophy of quality care for Alaska Natives for which Southcentral Foundation is known. Expanding upon Southcentral Foundation's "Nuka System of Care". this facility houses a multitude of services: Behavioral Health, Dental Care, Education, Physical Therapy, and Wellness.

Prior to arrival at the clinic, there is a clear sense of inclusivity. Through the details of design, clearly identifiable signage and building forms, a sense of community is reflected and begins the welcoming experience of the Primary Care Center.

The curved-glass exterior greets guests as they arrive to the Center. A continuity of space, balancing both exterior and interior elements, is a celebration of Alaska's mountain views and Native cultures. The gathering space serves as the heart of the Center and encourages the cultural events and spiritual wellness that is so integral to the "Nuka" model.

A central circulation "spine" serves as the primary corridor connecting the gathering areas with wellness and clinical spaces. The spine is designed to embrace future growth by allowing a consistent thoroughfare of circulation that can connect to potential future buildings.

This building was awarded a LEED Silver certification.